Leveling in wow 3.3 5 per alliance. Guide for beginners: where to level up your character? Guide with maps of locations. Where to upgrade your character

Perhaps one of the most popular questions remains: where to download WoW (World of Warcraft) 3.3.5 - "The Fall of the Lich King". The thing is that only from the Cataclysm version did dynamic hints appear on the map, and then the travel log was implemented, which explicitly indicates the name of the location for your character level, recommends dungeons and battlefields! But in later versions there is no such freebie! Therefore, it is difficult for newcomers to the game to figure out where to direct their character when they reach the next level!


From level 1 to 6, you can safely swing at the starting location, and only after that it depends on the character's race, but, in most cases, you will be directed to the desired location along the quest chain! I advise you to quickly move closer to the capital - Stormwind ... At the same time, there, in the location of the Elvin Forest, you can complete quests in Goldshire, which will raise you to about level 11+. The next point for pumping is Westfall, followed by Redridge Mountains! At about level 20-22, we move to the Twilight Forest (Darkwood). And at 25+, you can comfortably play in Stranglethorn (you will receive the first quests in the rebel camp, this is on the road from Darkwood to Stranglethorn; deal with Kurtzen's smugglers...). There you will be sent to Booty Bay - to the other end of the Stranglethorn Valley, where you can level up to 40+ levels on quests! Do not forget to also adequately pump not only the levels of the character, but also the skill of his professions. The game is made in such a way that as the levels grow, you get the necessary ingredients for professions. for example, in Stranglethorn, mobs can often be harvested: silk material and magic cloth, and it is at about this character level that the tailoring profession reaches the skill of handling precisely these materials!


Everything is the same as for the Alliance - for some time, up to about level 5-6, you can easily level up at the starting location of the race, then, according to one of the quest chains, you will be directed to the next location for leveling! again, I advise you to "huddle" closer to the capital - Orgrimmar! From Orgri, access the nearest suitable locations in the Barrens. Do not bypass Capstan (this is a port on the coast, it has a direct ship connection with Stranglethorn - the ship will take you to Booty Bay, but it is advisable to appear there no earlier than level 35-38!)

lvl Locations

Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh, Tirisfal Glades, Eversong Woods, Mulgore, Durotar, Azuremyst Isle, Teldrassil

Loch Modan, Bloodmyst Isle, Darkshore, Azshara, Northern Barrens

Ashenvale, Stonetalon Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Northern Stranglethorn, Wetlands, Hillsbrad Foothills

The Hinterlands, Cape of Stranglethorn, Western Plaguelands, Wastes, Southern Barrens, Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas

Thousand Needles, Tanaris, Eastern Plaguelands, Badlands, Smoldering Gorge, Felwood

Transition to Outland!

Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, Swamp of Sorrows, Blasted Lands, Winterspring, Un'Goro Crater, Silithus, Hellfire Peninsula: 58-63; (Outland)

Locations in Outland!

Zangarmarsh (60-64), Terrokar Forest (60-64 - Shattrath), Nagrand (62-65), Blade's Edge Mountains 965-68, Netherstorm 967-70), Shadowmoon Valley (67-70)

Going to Nagrand locations

Howling Fjord (68-72), Borean Tundra (68-72), Dragonblight (71-75), Grizzly Hills (73-75), Zul'Drak (74-76), Sholazar Basin (76-78), icy Crown (77-80), Storm Peaks (77-80), OLO - Lake of Ice Bonds (80 - PVP location).

Fast leveling Persians in WoW- overcome several levels in World of Warcraft!

Be careful, a lot depends on the server you play on!

Smart spending and investment

There are a lot of good things at the auction, but they can also be obtained in the form of rewards for

Completing quests. At the start, 2 mining professions will help out (mining - mandatory): the prices for raw materials on any server are always quite high and will cover all initial costs, including the purchase of a mount at level 30 (provided that you sell your mining not to an NPC, but on the auction).

Flights and long voyages

When you come to new town or your faction's camp, always visit the flightmaster first to get one more point on the map from him (indicated by a green exclamation point). Don't forget to find out about places from where you can move to another continent (free sailing ships for the Alliance and airships for the Horde). Hint: Some cities can be reached by swimming along the coasts, as long as you don't get too close to the shore and at the same time don't swim to the depth where the character will drown.

Information support

The database at www.Buffed.ru will provide you with all the necessary quest descriptions, coordinates and comments. The extensive capabilities of the BLASC client will help you navigate your server. Among many useful features, it includes a constantly updated base of crafters who can sell good items or improve your equipment.

Healthy eating is the key to success

At the first levels, the need for restoration of strength is small. But later you will have to take with you food supplies (health replenishment) and water (replenishes mana). Try to stock up on food in advance by placing 20 units in one stack. Also, if you're not a healing class (priest, druid, and to a lesser extent paladin), pay attention to all secondary professions (first aid, cooking, and fishing). You can take all 3 secondary professions at once, and all of them

Will come in handy later.

Visit Instances

If you can gather or fit into an experienced group, it's worth going on a 5-player instanced (i.e. special dungeon) hike. Not all of them are equally profitable (you can find out about possible trophies in specialized guides), but in any case, you will receive the necessary experience points. In addition, here you will learn the basics of competent game play, which will be very useful later. Before the hike

M in the instance, try to take the maximum possible number of quests for this particular location.

Useful rest

If the most effective pastime in the game is important to you, try to use your character’s rest bonus: during his absence from the game, he seems to

S "restores strength." In racial capitals (Ogrimmar, Silvermoon, etc.), as well as in the taverns of small settlements, the recovery speed is 4 times faster, so try to exit the game only from these places. The bonus doubles the experience points earned in battles with opponents. Max

The minimum size of the bonus is 1.5 levels, but for this you need not to appear in the game for several days. As an option - pumping several characters in turn, getting double experience points for each.

Levels 1-19

Lands for quests:

Durotar, Tauren: Mulgore, Undead: Tirisfal Glades, Blood Elves: Quel'Thalas. In these levels, you'll get to know your race's starting area. Up to about level 19, the quest series is straight forward, so there are no alternative paths. But then you will be directed to other territories where players will already meet allied races. Now several paths open before you; the ones mentioned below will help you reach the maximum level faster.

Levels 19-29

Lands for quests:

The Barrens, Stonetalon Mountains, Ashenvale Forest, Thousand Needles and Hillsbrad Foothills.

* Your journey starts at The Barrens and leads from Crossroads to the Stonetalon Mountains. On the way, try to take all the available quests. Simply killing the same monsters only looks faster and easier: in this case, you will not receive any additional experience points, no rewards from NPCs, or increased reputation with friendly factions.
* After that, head to Sun Rock Retreat (50,60) and continue with the Horde faction's quests.
* When only those marked in red or orange remain in the list of available quests, change the area. Head back to Crossroads and follow the road north to Ashenvale Forest to complete the quests at Splintertree Post. Some NPCs giving quests will meet right on the road (69.76/68.68).
*Further west at Zoram'Gar Outpost (12,33) there will be a few more quests. By the way, to the north of this outpost is the instance of Blackfathom Deeps.

Levels 30-39

Lands for quests:

Arathi Highlands, Wastes, Stranglethorn Vale, Glimmer Plain, and Dustwallow Marsh
From Tarren Mill, travel to Arathi Highlands to Horde Outpost Post Hammerfall (73, 36).

*For heroes level 38 and above, there are several hidden quests (30.82) on the south coast of the Arathi Highlands. If you haven't reached the appropriate level yet, don't try to complete the quests that are too difficult for you, you will return to the Arathi Highlands more than once on your way to level 43.
*If you only have a choice between red and orange quests, either use the Stone of Return to Shattrath City or Windrunner towards the Undercity to reach remote Kalimdor, where the following quests await you.

Your path will lead you to the Wastes in Kalimdor. From Sunstone Refuge, head southwest through Charred Vale. In the Wasteland, you will find the nearest Wind Rider Tamer in the Troll Village Nightstalker Village (24,68).

*On the way to the Nightstalker Village you will pass by the Wandering Spirit Post and the Taur base (52,56). In both settlements, there are quests waiting for you that will help you rise from level 30 to level 40.
*From Nightstalker Village, either head through Shattrath City or use the Wind Rider towards Orgrimmar, and from there in Durotar (52,13) ​​hop on a zeppelin and travel to the Grom'Gol Horde base camp (32,28) in Stranglethorn Vale.
*In Stranglethorn Vale, visit the Hunter's Camp (36,10) and help Heming Ernest Jr. on a big game hunt.
*In the south of Stranglethorn you will find the goblin town of Booty Bay (27,77). Wind Rider Tamers await you at Grom'Gol Base Camp and Booty Bay to help you navigate Stranglethorn Vale.
*As you advance to level 38, board a ship in Pirate's Bay and take it to the Ratchet located in the Barrens (62,35). From there, fly to Camp Taurajo in the Barrens to get to Dustwallow Marsh from there.
*The path to the Dustwallow Marsh passes by a burnt-out inn with the Investigator standing in front of it (29,48). From there follow the road heading north.
*There is a Horde-friendly outer post of Ogres in Brackenbog (35,30). Find the Wind Rider Tamer first, and then take on Brackenwall's quests.
*At the end, head to Tabeta's hut (45.56) in the swamps and the Gearswitch (40.73), where treacherous Goblins with new quests have been waiting for you since the release of Patch 2.3.

Levels 40-49

Lands for quests:

Stranglethorn, The Hinterlands, Searing Gorge, Tanaris and Feralas
Go first to Pirate Bay to complete those tasks there that were previously too difficult for you. Until level 46, you will have enough work with the local pirates.

*Now take the ship from Booty Bay to Ratchet, and from there on the Wind Riders to Freewind Post in Thousand Needles. The road will take you through the Shimmering Plain in the southeast to Gadgetzan, the goblin capital in Tanaris (50,28).
*In the east of this region you will find Cartel Port (60,23) where you will have to complete further goblin quests. Once you've completed all the quests in Tanaris, head to other locations. Windrunners will help you get from Ratchet to Freewind Post in Thousand Needles.

*From there, head west towards Feralas. As you follow the road, you will actually run into Camp Mohache (75.42). Support the Taur in their troubles with Gnolls, Ogres and Silithids.
*Look also at the west coast of Feralas (44,43), a goblin who has set up a camp there needs your help.
*By the way, in the eastern part of Feralas there is a complex of instances of a forgotten city, which, however, is still too tough at your level.
*Once you've completed your work in Feralas, use your Stone of Return to quickly travel through Shattrath City to the Undercity in the Eastern Kingdoms. From there, use the wind riders to go to Tarrens Mill, and then on horseback to the Hinterlands.
*Search for the Revantusk troll community (80,80) on the coast, where you will receive many new quests that can be completed in the immediate vicinity of this village.
*A series of quests will take you to the troll city of Jintha'Alor (62,83) which, however, has become much safer since Patch 2.3, even for solo players. Your opponents there have lost their elite status, and therefore no longer pose a serious threat to you.

Once you've completed your quests in the Hinterlands, fly to the Arathi Highlands, and from there, ride south into the Alliance area. Your path passes through the Wetlands and Loch Modan into the Badlands. Here you should not complete any tasks, just look for the airstrip in Kargat (5,46) so that you can later move quickly from north to south.

*Now head south to Searing Gorge and then to Thorium Brotherhood Camp (37,27). The Dark Iron Dwarves have some very compelling quests in store for you to complete quickly and get a lot of useful items in the process.

Lands for quests:

Un'Goro Crater, Azshara, Felwood, Western Mirklands, Eastern Mirklands, Winterspring and Silithus.

From level 50 to level 56, you will sometimes have to jump from zone to zone in order to successfully move forward.

*From Tanaris, head south to Un'Goro Crater, but first find the local airstrip at Marshall's Refuge (52,14).
* You will receive tasks immediately at the entrance to the Crater (70,75). The areas where these tasks are to be completed are very close to each other, so you can complete several tasks at the same time.
*After completing all the tasks here, move from the Crater to the west at coordinates 29,19. In Silithus, look for an airstrip at Cenarion's Keep (50,38). Don't take on any quests yet though, as they are too difficult for your level. From Silithus, fly via the Wind Riders to Splintertree Post in Ashenvale. From there, ride east to receive quests in Azshara.
*The Horde airfield is located in Valormok (22.51). Pay attention to the one who gives tasks at the Alliance Base (10,76). He has two quests for you that will earn you quite a few experience points. In addition, in the north, on the mountain, a goblin (10,76) is hiding, who also has quests for you.
*After completing all these quests, fly back from Valormok to Splintertree Post in Ashenvale, and from there ride north into Felwood.
*Complete the quest "Feathers for Nafien" at Grazle (65,9) and Timbermaw Furbolgs (65,7) will allow you to travel further to Winterspring.
*Takeoffs and further quests for Felwood can be found at the Bloodvenom Post (34.53) and the Emerald Sanctuary (51.81). Before heading to other quest areas, first find both Wind Riders: one in Moonglade (31.70) and the other in Winterspring (61.38). Do not take on tasks in Winterspring yet, as they are not yet up to your level at your level. Use your Return Stone to travel through Shattrath City to the Undercity.
*From the Undercity, ride west to Tirisfal Glades to the Stronghold (85,69) where there are quests for the Forgotten and the Argent Dawn.
*In Western Mirklands, Quest-Givers hid in some places: in the peasant houses (38.54 / 47.50 / 54.63) that you pass when completing the quest series "The Scourge Cauldrons" , and in the Lumberjack Camp (49 ,31) south of the Dolny hearth.
*When the tasks in West Mirklands become too difficult for you, follow the road to East Mirklands.
*On the way to Light's Hope Chapel (81.58), stop by Marris Manor (7.44). The owner of the estate wants the death of some creatures from Mirkland, which were also blacklisted by Nathanos Rot (26,75). Take all the tasks from these two before you go to do the others.
*After reaching Light's Hope Chapel, pick up all the quests there as well. Take tasks for Scholomance and Stratholme instances only when you find a suitable group for this.
*Only go to Winterspring and Silithus if you can't get enough points elsewhere.

Levels 60-70

Lands for quests:

Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Terokkar Forest, Nagrand, Blade's Edge Mountains

Starting at level 60, you enter Outland. The quest territories on the additional continent introduced with Burning Crusade are laid out in a linear fashion, so you don't have to drive back and forth all the time to get ahead as fast as possible.

*In Thrallmar (55,37), in the Hellfire Peninsula, your final journey in these levels begins. As you level up, you will receive more and more missions from the Horde forces based there. You can find one more airstrip and further tasks in the base of the blood elves Falcon Watch (27,61).
Once you've completed your quests in Hellfire Peninsula, travel west to Zangarmarsh.

*Your help is needed by the Cenarion Expedition, which you will meet on the way to the Fen. Cenarion's Refuge (71,64) is directly in your path.
*Outer Horde posts, including the Windreitermeister, can be found at Swamp Rat Post (85.53) and Zabra'jin (79.64). Complete all of Cenarion's quests and the ones you get from Swamp Rat Post first.
*After that, get tasks in Zabra'jin. Your next target is the Forests of Terokkar. There, look for an airstrip in Stonebreaker Fort (49,45) and take care of the tasks offered to you there.
You will receive further quests from a wrecked caravan (37.51) and one small outpost (29.75) in the southwest of the Bone Waste. After you have visited all the instances of Outland at least once and completed all the tasks you received there, go to Nagrand - the last frontier on your way to level 70.
*Find the airstrip at Garadar (56.35) and don't forget to check out Heming Nesingwary (71.40). The hunter is chasing Outland big game. Also visit the Consortium (31.55). There are some problems in the Oshugun area, and it is your task to help solve them. The "Ring of Blood" series of quests (the starting quest of this series: " Brokentoe ") is interesting for the rich loot that you and your battle-worn party can get after completing them. If you still don't reach level 70 as a result, travel to Blade's Edge Mountains. But remember: each task you complete at level 70 will not earn you experience points, but additional gold!

Where to download in World of Warcraft? We will tell you what leveling methods are, how to use them, and in which locations it is better to level up at a particular character level.

Completing tasks

The most familiar and common way to increase the level of a character is to complete tasks. You level up by killing monsters and completing tasks. It's really good way pumping.

In Cataclysm, the map has become a little more convenient - now, if you hover over a location, you can see the range of levels that this location is suitable for. If the inscription is gray - this location is already useless for you, if it is yellow and green - this location suits your character, if it is red - it's too early to swing there.

Below you will find a list of WoW locations with indications of the levels at which it is preferable to level in these locations. The list is divided by game add-ons: Classic, Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm.

Classic WoW

Eastern kingdoms

Location Level
Dun Morogh 1-10
Elwyn Forest 1-10
Eversong Woods 1-10
Tirisfal Glades 1-10
silver Forest 10-20
ghostlands 10-20
Western edge 10-15
Loch Modan 10-20
Redridge Mountains 15-20
Bolotina 20-25
Hillsbrad Foothills 20-25
Arathi Highlands 25-30
Northern Stranglethorn 25-30
The Cape of Stranglethorn 30-35
Hinterlands 30-35
Western Plaguelands 35-40
Eastern Plaguelands 40-45
Badlands 44-48
Searing Gorge 47-51
Burning Steppes 49-52
swamp of sorrow 52-54
Blasted Lands 54-60


Durotar 1-10
Mulgore 1-10
Azure Haze Island 1-10
Teldrassil 1-10
Bloodmist Island 10-20
Azshara 10-20
northern steppes 10-20
Darkshore 10-20
Ashenvale 20-25
Talon Mountains 25-30
Southern steppes 30-35
Wasteland 30-35
Feralas 35-40
Dust Marsh 35-40
thousand needles 40-45
Felwood 45-50
Tanaris 45-50
Un'Goro Crater 50-55
winter keys 50-55
Silithus 55-60

Burning Crusade

Wrath of the Lich King


Where to level up in the Mists of Pandaria

Recently, a new addition to WoW has been released, and many players have a question “Where to level in the Mists of Pandaria?”. Leveling methods remain the same, and the list of available locations with the desired levels is given below.

jade forest 85-86
Krasarang Wilds 86-88
Valley of the Four Winds 86-88
Kun-Lai Summit 87-89
Dread Wasteland 89-90
Townlong Steppes 89-90
Vale of Eternal Blossoms Level 90

Passage of dungeons

Another way fast pumping character - the passage of dungeons. From level 15, players can use the Dungeon Finder feature. You can use it by clicking on the button with a green eye on the bottom panel.

Choose a role, and get up in search of dungeons. When your turn comes, you will receive an invitation and will be transferred to the dungeon, where you will swing, killing monsters. Sometimes in the dungeons you will also come across tasks that will also give some experience.

Finding dungeons allows you to level up without even leaving the city. Sometimes you have to wait 5-20 minutes, so it would be wise to complete normal tasks while you are in line.

A big plus of this leveling method is the ability to level up in the best things for your level, since in the dungeons you will knock out a lot of good quality items.


In Cataclysm, it became possible to swing on the battlefields. In general, this method is worse than the others, but it will suit ardent fans of battles with other players.

The fact is that pumping on the battlefields depends not only on you, but also on your team. Experience on the battlefields is only given for completing certain tasks (for example, capturing the flag) or for winning a battle. However, if you do not win all the time, it will take a very long time to swing in this way.

It is worth noting that you can also swing by mining ore, grass, skins, or doing archeology. But all these methods bring very little experience, so we do not consider them - rather, they are a nice addition.

The main ways to gain experience are listed above. We hope that now you will know where to download WoW and choose the most suitable method for you.

Race too - the character is created. What's next? This material is designed for both beginners and oldies who decided to return to the game after a long break. The material consists of three parts. The first tells what you can do in WoW, the second - where to do it, and the third - what the character swings on.

So let's go.

What to do in WoW?

First, a few words about the content of the game:

  • It has long been customary that the content of the game is conditionally divided into two parts. One is called the end game, that is, playing at the highest level at the current moment (level cap). The second is called differently, in this material I will call it “leveled” and it concerns all the content that precedes the highest level.
  • There is an old stereotype about how the game starts "on the level cap", that is, in the end game. It is not true. Getting to the level cap (highest level) of quest content is fun in and of itself. If you are a beginner, then jumping through the levels like a mountain sheep is not worth it. Miss out on a lot of fun.
  • content is divided into solo and group. Solo content is mainly quests and monsters in the "open world". They can be walked alone. Group content includes group quests, scenarios, dungeons, and raids. Passing alone may end with the fact that your character will be killed.
  • group content is designed for 3 (scenarios), 5 (dungeons) and 10-30 people (raids of LFR difficulty, normal and heroic). Raids of mythical difficulty stand apart, in which strictly 20 people are required.

Now about classes. There are plenty of activities in WoW, but basically they come down to the following things:

  • character development;
  • study of the world around;
  • collecting;
  • competition;
  • professions and trade.

Let's consider these aspects in more detail.

Character development

A character in WoW develops in several ways. The first and most obvious is the levels. Completing quests and killing monsters gives experience, "exp", which are converted into levels. As the levels increase, the characteristics of the character increase. Every fifteen levels, the character gets the opportunity to choose one of the three talents. Everything is simple here.

Further, appearance character. To stand out against the general background is a natural desire of any person. You can stand out from the crowd by choosing armor, weapons, a mount, as well as a title that is next to your name. The Cataclysm add-on introduced such a thing as transmogrification, which allowed armor and weapons to look like other armor and weapons. That is, if you do not like a super-duper bow with powerful characteristics, then you can “transmogrify” it, giving it the appearance of the item that you have in your bags or personal bank.

Mounts, or as they are also called here, mounts - a separate conversation. In addition to purely external characteristics, great importance has a mount rarity. The harder it is to get, the more valuable the mount.

Actually high level character development moves to another plane - the characteristics begin to grow depending on the armor and weapons. Almost the entire endgame is an increase in performance due to body kit. The scheme here is simple: the character regularly goes to raids, knocking out weapons and armor from bosses in order to be ready for the next raid. And so on until the next expansion.

The developers tried several times to change this scheme. The so-called Path of the Titans was planned for the Cataclysm expansion, but it was cancelled. In the Warlords of Draenor expansion, Blizzard decided to introduce garrisons. The composition of the buildings of the garrison influenced the characteristics and abilities of the character. In the upcoming Legion expansion, they plan to introduce , which will also allow you to make a character unique by customizing the artifact that he uses.

Exploring the world

80-85 levels (locations in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms)

The third addition to the game was Cataclysm. On a not-so-beautiful day, the dragon Deathwing left the Elemental Plane and returned to Azeroth. The flight over the planet led to some problems - in some places Deathwing literally ripped open the earth's firmament, caused a number of earthquakes and prices, and also burned several cities.

A feature of the Cataclysm content is that its locations are not concentrated in one place. They are scattered across Azeroth and were once closed places. For example, but was closed to the public. Also in the Cataclysm content there is a unique underwater location - Vy'shir. At one time, Blizzard planned a "sea expansion", where most of the action takes place under water. However, they decided to conduct an experiment and created one such location. For many players, this experiment did not cause optimism.

Cataclysm was not a very good addition, but I strongly recommend that you complete all the quests. Phasing was heavily used in the expansion, and you will see how Hyjal turns from a blazing devastated forest into a flowering place. It's really interesting to see how the location changes in the story. If you liked the Ristalische, then you should visit and quest at the Fiery Front. By the way, there is also phasing there, but it will take several weeks to open all the phases.

85-90 levels (Pandaria)

After the experimental Cataclysm, Blizzard decided to return to the classic scheme and not spread the locations around the world. As a result, we got a new continent - Pandaria. You can get to Pandaria by taking a quest (the game itself will tell you which one).

The addition of Mists of Pandaria was remembered not only by an unexpected plot move (there was only fragmentary information about Pandaria before that in the history of the world). The game has dramatically expanded the range of entertainment. There are the following attractions:

  • combat pets;
  • arena "Face fight";
  • PvE scenarios, which became an alternative to instances for five people, since they only required three people;
  • "fun farm": after completing a simple chain of quests, you will have at your disposal your own garden bed, where you can grow all sorts of healthy fruits and vegetables;
  • test modes of all the same instances for five people: a complicated mode of instances, in which mobs were thicker and hit harder than in normal mode;
  • challenge arena: the player must defeat several waves of monsters attacking him;
  • there are even more rare mobs, though they spawn more often;

In addition to these experiments, the developers have introduced several additional locations located on the islands.

  • Island of the Giants: a location where large dinosaurs roam; by killing them, you can farm a bunch of bones, for which you can buy all sorts of trinkets from a local merchant;
  • Isle of Thunder: a massive quest hub similar to the Rally and Molten Front;
  • Timeless Isle: An experimental location with a minimum of quests, but with a bunch of elite mobs and rare animals.

What are the must-sees in Pandaria? We read below:

  • complete the Klaxxi quest line in the Dread Wastes - the story of the Mantid Swarm is quite interesting;
  • complete the quest line "Operation Barrier" or "Army of Conquerors";
  • fly around all historical places and thereby upgrade your reputation with the Keepers of History to get a mount - a flying saucer;
  • upgrade your reputation with the Order of the Cloud Serpent, buy a couple of mounts from them and take part in races under the clouds;
  • hunt Zandalari conquerors and scouts - they drop reputation tokens, as well as cute mounts;
  • visit the Isle of Thunder and the Timeless Isle;
  • start a garden in the Valley of the Four Winds - you will learn the true meaning of the word "farm";
90-100 levels (planet Draenor)

At the moment, the Warlords of Draenor add-on is relevant. At one time, when it was announced at Blizzcon 2013, many players' jaws dropped slightly - how could such a thing be thought up? If without details, then the essence is as follows. From the Dark Portal begins the invasion of the Iron Horde. As you know, earlier the portal connected Azeroth with Outland, that is, with what was left of Draenor. Now the portal is not green, but dark red, and it connects not just Azeroth with Draenor, but with the past of the alternative Draenor ... In general, . In short, you need to go to the other side and pile on everyone there in the Iron Horde.

The action takes place in Draenor as it was before falling to pieces. Here we are waiting for everything the same as before - quests, dungeons, raids and PvP, but there is one serious innovation that the whole gameplay is tied to. In order to cope with the Iron Horde, you will need a squad of warriors. These warriors are called "followers" in the game and they can perform various missions related to the liberation of Draenor. As a result, the followers are pumped, and you get gold and other goodies. Your warriors are based in the garrison - this is something like your personal fortress. The garrison consists of buildings that not only perform certain functions, but also give the character additional abilities.

Things to do in Draenor:

  • pump the garrison to level 3 (you still can’t avoid it);
  • visit Shattrath City and see how magnificent this city was;
  • perform a meta-achievement to get ;
  • visit the Tanaan Jungle - an analogue of quest zones such as the Rally, the Fiery Front and the Isle of Thunder;
  • do some time travel by visiting the old five-person dungeons (your character will be reduced to the levels of these dungeons);

Of course, the listed activities are far from all that you can do in WoW, but, in my opinion, this is quite enough. Now let's move on to the last chapter, which will tell you how to quickly level up in WoW.

How to level up in WoW

Experience in World of Warcraft is given by the following classes:

  • quests;
  • killing monsters;
  • gathering professions such as mining and herbalism;
  • archaeological excavations (secondary profession - archeology);
  • combat pet battles;

How to quickly level up in WoW - read below:

If you are a new player who does not have gold and connections, then accelerated leveling looks like this:

  • pay 40 conventional units and get a character of level 90;
  • pump up to level 15 and start rallying through instances for five people;
  • before leaving the game, go to the city or tavern. When resting, you get the so-called "blue experience" - the longer you rest, the longer your experience from killing monsters and completing quests will be doubled;
  • as soon as you farm enough money, be sure to buy the so-called heirloom items that have bonuses to experience;
  • continue the rally on the instance for five persons;

If you have returned after a long break and want to upgrade a new character, then the sequence is as follows:

  • buy heirs with experience bonuses (if you still have something missing). After patch 6.1, they can be bought and upgraded with gold instead of badges;
  • place the maine in the Dread Wastes near the border with the Valley of the Four Winds (coordinates approximately 75, 20) and wait for Krol Blade there, kill him. It has a chance to drop an Elixir of Ancient Knowledge. The tincture increases experience gained by 300% for an hour. The item is account-bound, so you can mail it to your alt;
  • viola goes to 5ppl, takes quests there, drinks a bottle and go. Levels are skyrocketing. True, remember that if you are killed, the effect will subside;
  • …; profit!
  • Draenor;

Actually, this is all you need to know about fast pumping.

Questions about how to take quests and where to run on them usually do not arise, since we are not all downs, and QuestHelper sometimes saves. Therefore, I will briefly sketch out a leveling plan, without tying it to individual quests, experience can always be filled with mobs.

To begin with, let's define that character leveling is conditionally divided into 8 categories:

Usually there are no problems with pumping 1-10, so we will not focus on it.

Let's start with point 10-20, everything is also simple here. I advise you to start with the "Crossroads", it is located in the steppes near Orgrimmar - the main capital of the horde. After passing all the quests presented there, we calmly get 16-18 lvl and move to the South, to the "Camp Turaho", there we calmly take the 23rd level and, moving to the neighboring location "Thousand Needles", we begin to do quests there.

This location is replete with quests and taking the 30-35th level is not a problem at all, at the same time you can dress up with quest gear. We start doing quests At the "Free Wind Outpost", and then, having received the 30th level, we go to the Salt Wastes, which lie in the east of this location.

Now having reached the 33-35th level, let's leave Kalimdor alone and turn our eyes to Stranglethorn, a tropical paradise filled with mobs and quests.

We go to the goblins in Ratchet and board a wonderful cruise liner that goes straight to Pirate Bay, but personally I didn’t linger there too much, even though the bay is neutral, but you can still rake from Alliance players there. We rewind and go the other way.

We are changing a presentable boat for an equally presentable airship! And take a direct flight Orgrimmar->Gromgol.

Arriving at the place, in no time we take the 40th level on simple quests, and go to "Tanaris", where we collect quests at will, do not forget about the Port City on the coast. We may also be lucky enough to gather a group of players and complete the quests of the Zul Farak dungeon (at least 2 level experience there).

Roasted under the scorching desert sun? It's not scary, we won't have enough quests there until the 50th, we'll have to run to the other end of the continent, namely to the "Felwood"! Quests in the emerald sanctuary, gritting your teeth, but enough for the 50th level.

And back to Tanaris! But this time only in passing. With a vigorous march, we make our way to the "Crater Un"Goro", we start doing quests literally at the entrance! then we go to the "Marshal's Shelter", in the same place in Un"Goro", and voila, our 55th!

We pass to the next location - "Silithus", we find there the "Cenaria Fortress" and now Outland is calling us!

Having received the 58-60th legs in our hands and to the Dark Portal, we shake for a couple of minutes on the manticore and we are in "Tralmar"! Let's show the demons who's boss!!! At the same time, having grabbed a level or two, then to the "Falcon Watch" (I was especially pleased with the quest about exposing the Elf-Womanizer). I personally know some craftsmen who have reached level 65 on the peninsula, but this is not our case, so we go further to Zangarmarsh, save the Sporlings (aboriginal mushroom population) and restore the ecological balance =)

And now, having almost level 65 behind us, let's go to my favorite location - "Nagrand". The most beautiful landscapes, and "friendly" fauna simply dispose us to a fast swing, up to level 68! (I advise you to start downloading a lot of quests from Garadar, but you can buy something for the reputation).

from level 68, we have nothing to do in the outlands, in front of Northrend. We again use the services of Goblin Airlines and fly straight from Orgrimmar to the Warsong Army Stronghold, literally immediately we are given a cool (for the 68th) weapon, and a good dozen simple quests to kill the unfortunate ...... insects. The 70th is almost in our pocket.

Having said goodbye to the grunts who sheltered and warmed us, we go to the village of Taunka Le, saving mammoths along the way and cutting off the ears of the unfortunate poachers. "and, finally, in" Khladdara ".

Having taken somewhere the 72-73rd level, we go to the other end of the mainland - to the "Roaring Fjord". This time by direct airship from the Undercity. I think you yourself will figure out how to get a level there, another location is already trifling for you, but there are a lot of quests.

Personally, at level 74, I went to "Zul" Drak "and, starting with the" Black Outpost ", passing through the" Rift of Light "and" Silver Zatsava ", I got to the coveted 76th level.

Having pretty chilled in the Dull Zul "Drak, wouldn't it be nice to soak up the rainforest in the Sholazar Basin? The friendly gnomes from Nesingwary's Camp will politely ask you to drive for a drink, killing everything in your path, then an excursion to the Wild Thicket. You Have you ever ridden a Mammoth?And finally, help in the fight against evil spirits, in fact, mother nature.

And now we are approaching the finish line, some 2 levels separate us from the coveted level 80!!! Where would you like to go?

It’s not recommended to go to the Ice Crown, it’s gloomy cold there, and it probably stinks of corpses, but you can go to the Storm Peaks. Let's start our procession from a small goblin settlement called "K-3", then we will help the Brunhild Warriors in their village "Brunnhildar", having received their gratitude, we will see what is there at the "Crash Site of Grom" Arsh "and correct the distortion of the time continuum in the" camp Tunkalo". We will finish off a small tail of experience on mobs, and with relief we will get achievement and level 80 =)

This concludes my "teachings". In the end, I want to say that the path I described is by no means the Reference one, everyone swings as it suits him, but this path helped me to level up pretty quickly, and here's another thing ...... do not rush to become 80s, explore the world of World Of Warcraft and don't put the game first in your life.

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