Macros on Pal 3.3 5 pve dps. Righteous Fury Macro

Hello, dear admirers of such a class of characters as a retro paladin. Retro Pal is an indispensable class in all raid dungeons, as it has a first-class set of buffs for the entire raid, and also has good protection in the form of plate armor and good survivability in the hardest fights against elite bosses.

We will now consider all the characteristics in order of their importance, that is, by priority, with the help of which we can inflict the greatest damage.

  1. "Accuracy"- This characteristic in the ranking takes first place. 32.8 Mastery Rating, increases your hit rate by 1%. At level 80, you need to gain 263 hit rating or 8 percent. This is to ensure you don't miss with special hits, white hits, and justices. I also want to point out that consecrate and exorcism are spells and each require about 17% hit points, which is why you can still miss these spells. You also need to have a good cap so that you can deliver excellent DPS in combat. You should not recruit him with stones or enchantments, as he is very easy to recruit with the help of various bonuses from equipment.
  2. "Mastery"- this stat will completely allow you to eliminate the enemy’s ability to dodge attacks in battle, but you will not be able to completely eliminate the possibility of parrying by fighting in front of the boss, so always, remember, ALWAYS damage only from behind the enemy, striking in the back. 8.2 to the rating you will be given 1 unit of expertise. In order for you to reach the required cap level, you need to score - 26 units or 6.5 percent or 214 units to the expertise. If you are using a sword or mace you need to have 23 expertise, if you are using a mace as a dwarf you need to have 21 expertise to reach the required amount of cap and your dps will be just on top. But I do not advise spending gems on expertise, let this stat grow naturally with glyphs or gear.
  3. "Strength"- is also one of the main stats that you need to collect after you hit the hit cap, because you have a lot of talents that will increase your strength. 1 STR will give you +2 AP, increased by 1.15 from the spell "Divine Power", which is in the first row - a branch on the proto fell. It will also grant you 2.3 AP per STR. The entire sum of these numbers rises further due to the imposed buffs. STR will also help increase the power of your spells. I advise you to put all the stones on STR, but only after you reach the required hit cap.
  4. "Critical Hit Rating"- The crit rating will also raise your DPS quite well. This indicator should not be raised by quite high level and spend your gems on it. You only need 45.9 Crit Rating to get 1% Crit Rating at level 80. This indicator also does not increase due to raid buffs. Therefore, I advise you not to get carried away with the critical strike rating.
  5. "Speed" or hast is an indicator that has gained popularity among many World of Warcraft players. Haste raises all your white damage and also raises SoV damage. This gives several new opportunities so over the opponent. Increasing your speed will not reduce the cooldown on your justice abilities, but it will slightly reduce the cooldown on spells, which is also a good indicator. You don't need to build ARP, because most of your damage is dealt with Holy magic. ARP increases the damage of spells such as Crusader Strike and Divine Storm. All seals, "Exorcism" and "Consecration" remain, unfortunately, in flight.

2. Retro Pal rotation in PVE 3.3.5

8. Profession bonuses

Basically, each Retri Paladin has several professions that are best suited for this class:

Jewelcrafting - the ability to set unique stones.
Mining - games for jewelry and earning gold.

When you have enough gold and have accumulated a large number of ingredients in the bank, you can cancel the mining and pump in Blacksmithing. This will give you the opportunity to make three additional sockets.

Engineering and Jewelcrafting give us 340 haste (per cd on gloves) for 20 seconds and three improved gems, which is not bad at all.

9. Food and Chemistry

For food raids the best option there will be an Angel Fish Fillet. Every hour you need to drink the Tonic of Infinite Fury and when using wings, be sure to add the Potion of Speed.
You can take one of the additional professions "Cooking" for yourself, as a result of pumping you will get yourself a lot of dishes that will help you raise the more desired characteristics quite well.

10. Retri Paladin Macros

Macro for Righteous Fury

Perfect for moments when the Retri Paladin lacks an outgoing threat. And she is needed when Retrik has to kite running out monsters during the fight with the boss.

#showtooltip Righteous Fury
/cancelaura Righteous Fury
/cast Righteous Fury

Operates with the press of a single button that will turn your Righteous Fury on and off.

Macros on the Hand

Since the Paladin uses his hands quite often, it is prudent to make macros on them so that the use is much easier.

#showtooltip Hand of Sacrifice
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Sacrifice

#showtooltip Hand of Salvation
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Salvation

#showtooltip Hand of Protection
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Protection

#showtooltip Hand of Freedom
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Freedom

The hand will be applied to the target as soon as you hover over it. In order for spells to be cast without any delay, the /stopcasting line has been added. Usually the delay occurs during the casting of any other spell.

Macro on “Laying on of hands”

#showtooltip Laying on of hands
/cast [@mouseover] Lay on hands

The Paladin's Lay on Hands spell will be cast on any of the allies that gets under your mouse cursor.

Macro on "Bubble"

Sometimes it is necessary to instantly apply the bubble, but there are times when this cannot be done, because some other action is in the process.

#showtooltip Divine Shield
/cast Divine Shield

So. The macro interrupts this action and immediately puts a bubble on you. Bubble is one of the save's main abilities, so its use must be clearly debugged.

Macro on “Cleansing”

Quite often, you have to dispel various poisons, diseases, and other disgusting things both from yourself and from other raid players. The macro will help you with this.

#showtooltip Cleansing
/cast [@mouseover] Cleanse

Dispell will occur when you hover over a raider or partner.

Paladin Tank
1. Abbreviations
3. Talents
5. Rotation
6.Kapy and har-ki
7. Enchanting, stones
9. Food and Elixirs
10. Outfit
1. Abbreviations
tps - treat per second - agricultural generation per second
dps - damage per second - damage per second
aoe - area damage ability (Consecration, for example)
ability - ability
def-ability - defensive ability
rotation - the sequence of squeezing abilities to get maximum efficiency
pack - a group of mobs
cd, cooldown - cooldown
kite - driving the boss/mob in such a way that he does not hit you
cap - the maximum required value. There is a soft cap - the minimum required value and a hard cap - the maximum value, after which, the benefit of a further set is either lost or disappears altogether.
mitigation - passive reduction of incoming damage (resistance to magic, armor from physical attacks)
diminishing - an effect when the increase in each subsequent rating unit gives a smaller effect than the previous unit. For example, armor (figures are conditional, for demonstration): 10k armor will give a decrease in the received physical. damage by 20%, but 20k armor will reduce the received physical. damage only by 30% - i.e. an increase in armor by 2 times gave an increase in its effectiveness by only one and a half times.
stamina - endurance
up - attack power
taunt - an ability that instantly provokes the enemy to attack you
sacra - sacred sacrifice
sofa - Divine Intervention (less often Divine Shield)

bubble - divine shield

2. Introduction

Paladin is now considered one of the best tanks. It's all about paladin survivability, thanks to talent" Zealous Defender" and an almost constant block of 70-90%, the paladin calmly survives blows that are several times higher than his health. While Warriors are having some issues with mass tanking, Paladins are great at taking on crowds of all sizes and sizes.
The tank paladin has no problems with mana, and therefore with agricultural resources, since the talents for replenishing mana from incoming damage and healing make it almost endless. Plus, only tank paladins have a great buff, in addition to the normal buff that reduces damage taken by 3%.

3. Talents
To use our character as efficiently as possible, first of all, we need a competent build..
There are two build options: 1MT (Main Tank) 2OT (Spare Tank)
In principle, they are not very different... I run with the second option.
If there is no restor druid (healer) in the raid, then we take 3 talents from "Payback" and pump in "Improved aura of Piety"
Why exactly like this and not a friend?

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Divine power is definitely a must-have, this talent has a direct impact on our damage, which means it also affects our agro generation (all proto-paladin abilities deal damage from holy magic, but! the damage itself depends on the attack power that power gives us).
Divinity is an ambiguous talent, I don’t recommend taking it, since you won’t notice its effect in raids, and even more so in heroics for 5 people. In addition, in raids, tanks usually have holipaladins hanging on tanks, which non-stop press Light of Heaven on tanks and, as a rule, half of the cast goes into overhealing (excessive healing), so - well, what the hell, this talent.
Stoicism is a pronounced pvp talent, in pve it has almost zero value.
Guardian help is also a pvp talent, in pve you are 99% likely to not use the Hand of Protection at all (the boss will immediately lose interest in you and go to hit the raid, and it makes little sense to throw on dd), and the increased time of the Hand of Freedom is not useful at all - enough standard.
Premonition - an important talent, allows you to dodge physical attacks, without a doubt - a must-have, not subject to diminishing.
Sacred Sacrifice and Divine Guard are an important defensive ability for both you and your raid, the increased duration of the Sacred Shield ability will come in handy in instances for 5 people.
Improved Righteous Fury - reduces incoming damage to you, of course, be sure to take it!
Fortress - reduces incoming physical damage to you, a very tasty talent.
Improved Devotion Aura is a dubious talent, worth 6% healing efficiency in the first place. If there is an rdru, then invest these talents in retribution (tps)
Improved Hammer of Justice is a pvp talent, 99% of bosses are immune to this type of effect, so you won't have anywhere to use it.
Blessing of immunity - here it is, the buff of our dreams, and I won’t lie if I say that it’s HEALTHY! Our mana number 1.
Payback is a talent with little impact on our agricultural generation. ~80% aggro comes from Holy under Righteous Fury, and Reckoning increases the physical damage you deal. You can take it, see for yourself ..
Sacred Duty - 4% stamina is great because stamina is everything.
Specialization in one-handed weapons - increases our TPS by 10%, this is wonderful.
Spiritual consonance - our number 2 mana, as practice shows, is enough to pump in 1 talent out of two. Does not work from overhealing.
The shield of heaven is both our def- and our tps-ability at the same time. Very tasty, take it.
A zealous defender is one of the reasons why protopals are in demand in the raid, once every 2 minutes we can die (you never know, the healer wept, or the 2nd tank had to change, but died / slacker) and no one will notice this. Mast have.
Bulwark is a good defensive talent, together with the Shield of Heaven we get an anti-hit.
Combat skill is our stama and our skill. Wonderful.
Touching the Light - directly increases our TPS, because. Increases Holy damage. Be sure to take.
Avenger's Shield - Agropul ability. Just a very useful thing.
Under the protection of the light - mitigation from magic, our mana number 3.
The templar's shield is again our mitigation, but from everything. Of course, you must take it.
Judgment of the Righteous is a useful talent that slows down enemy attacks against you. But! in 99% of raids there is a dk that will hang the chill disease, which has exactly the same effect. Therefore, in my opinion, this is a pointless waste of talents when mastering raid dungeons.
Hammer of the Righteous - Protopaladin's base TPS ability.
There are very few tasty talents here, so I will focus only on useful ones.
Seal of Impeccability - increases our dps, and therefore TPS from seals. But seals as such do not have a serious impact on TPS, so you can safely not take it.
Aura Mastery is a useful talent that holy paladins and retri paladins take, it would be useful for us, but there are too many passable and useless talents.
Also some tasty talents, only the main ones.
Reflection - increases the chance of a parry, definitely a must-take, not subject to diminishing.
Impartial justice is an element of agro rotation, and this is a reduction in cooldown by one of the rotation abilities, which is good.
Heart of a knight, Judgment is our crit, our tps.
Justification is a useful talent that affects physical damage received, but there is a caveat - you can ask a Var or Feral to keep their "demoshouts" on the boss. A 2/2 talent pumped in will give damage reduction in the amount of about 16%.
.Seal of Obedience is a talent whose usefulness ends at tanking packs, it is not needed anywhere else. Because we can keep the pack even without it, we don't take it.
Holy War is a terrific increase in TPs, more effective than the neighboring talent for crit in that it gives a greater impact on TPs than 3% crit.

As for the Symbols, there are different opinions, I always adhere to one way of placement:
- The main ones are 3 big symbols:

- "Symbol of the holy oath"
- "Glyph of the Hammer of the Righteous"
- "Glyph of the Shield of Righteousness"

- Small:
- "Symbol of Sense for the Undead" - Mandatory

5. Rotation
Most importantly, before each fight, check to see if Righteous Fury is enabled.
Our main seal is the Seal of Corruption. Allows you to issue the maximum TPS in 1 target. Seal of Obedience- for tanking packs.

  • If there is no Hpal in the raid, you throw a Holy Shield on yourself before the fight and refresh it afterwards.
  • If there is a Hpal in the raid, but for some reason he throws a Sacred Shield not on you (but on another tank, for example), then you throw a Sacred Shield on yourself and subsequently update it.
Also, before the fight or immediately after the start, you must throw a Holy Oath on yourself, because. it's damage reduction (symbol) and our mana. But it is worth considering that the oath has a CD and hangs for only 15 seconds. It refreshes from melee attacks (including justice). In the presence of 4t10, a nuance appears in the use of the oath - it will need to be outweighed in the case of executions, because. it becomes our defensive ability. For a good set of aggro right away, I recommend using Avenging Wrath before the start of the battle.

The rotation is 969 , since it is based on the layout of spells with cds of 6 and 9 seconds. The main idea is to maximize damage by using GCD abilities, i.e. at 1.5 second intervals and alternating so as to use them on cooldown.

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6. Caps and characteristics

Strength - the main parameter. Affects the amount of damage dealt and the amount of physical damage blocked by the shield. Due to talents, it also gives an increase of 60% of the amount of strength to spd. The thing is useful, however, I do not recommend increasing it due to sockets / chants, because. they can be used for more useful purposes, and the power received from the gear will be enough for us.

Agility - secondary parameter. For each point, increases the chance to crit by 0.0192%, armor by 2 and dodge by 0.0192%. It makes no sense to build up, since crits are just a tasty addition for us, and bonuses to armor and dodge are scanty.

Endurance - the main parameter. Determines the number of lives, and therefore how long we will live. Max cost, but without fanaticism.

Intelligence - secondary skill. Responsible for the amount of mana and the chance of inflicting crit mage. damage. With the correct use of talents and rotation, in principle, we will have enough mana, so there is no point in increasing our intellectual abilities (yes, paladins are such paladins ...)

Spirit - Increases the rate of mana and life regeneration outside of combat. Absolutely useless.

Armor - the main parameter. Reduces the amount of physical damage dealt to us. A very important characteristic, which, again, I would not recommend maxing, since more significant bonuses can be put instead. The armor that we get from plate gear and aura will be enough. Armor cap 75%.

close combat

We, as tanks, are only interested in 2 characteristics in this section.

hit rating - chance to hit the target. The parameter is important, because when we miss the target, we get less threat, which means we can’t keep the mob from breaking aggro with our dps or heals. Also, with a lack of hit (from the English hit rating), you can miss the taunt, which will lead to disastrous consequences. The hit hard cap for the 1H+Shield setup is 263 hit rating, or 8%.

Mastery - reducing the likelihood that the enemy will dodge or parry our attacks. Important because it increases our damage and partially prevents our attacks from being parried, thereby reducing damage to ourselves (remember about 40% attack acceleration after parrying). The soft cap is 26, the hard cap is unattainable. At 26 Mastery, raid dungeon bosses will not be able to dodge attacks, but will retain their chance to parry an attack, albeit reduced.


Protection - the most important characteristic. Increases the chance to dodge or parry an attack by 0.04%, decreases the chance to receive critical damage by 0.04%. The only one

a parameter that increases the chance to miss us with any type of attack by 0.04% per rating unit. The softcap is 535 for 5man instances and 540 for raids. (My opinion is 570 defense is not the ceiling, but to gain more - there is no point! It is better to max out endurance)
The soft cap of protection is also called anti-crit, as Cap suggests, because when it is reached, the mobs will not be able to crit us. The thing is that any mob always has a 5% chance to inflict crit on the target. Each next level, this chance increases by 0.2%. Since in the calculations the boss of the 5man instance is considered 2 levels older than the player, and the raid one is 3 levels older, we are essentially dealing with lvl 82 and 83 mobs with a crit chance of 5.4% and 5.6%, respectively. The base level of defense at level 80 is 400, and every 25 rating reduces the chance to inflict critical damage by 1%. We consider: in order not to get a crit from lvl 82, we need 400 + 25 * 5.4 = 535 rating; for lvl 83, respectively, we have 400 + 25 * 5.6 = 540.

Evasion - Displays the chance to avoid physical damage from an attack. 45.25 rating gives 1% evasion. Hardcap is unattainable.

Parry - Displays the chance to avoid physical damage from an attack. After parrying, the next hit is dealt 40% faster. 45.25 rating gives 1% parry. Hardcap is unattainable.

Block - displays the chance to block an attack, thereby reducing the received damage by the block value, which is acquired from the gear and scales from the amount of strength. Doesn't have a hardcap..

7. Enchanting, stones
Now let's look at what we should wear. In the WotLK addon, the developers have leveled all tanking classes in gear, so now we wear the same things as dk and vars. This means that you will not find spd on any item for the tank. Yes, and it is unnecessary, because we scale our spell power from the Force, which is quite enough to deal good damage. Therefore, you need to focus only on the characteristics that any tank needs.

For a young protopal, the highest priority is to set the defense rating to the level of 540. In this matter, all methods are good: insert stones, enchantments. Until the softcap of defense is reached, you should not even meddle in 5man heroes, because any boss will end up in nothing. For those who have problems with a set of protection, I recommend the first time to be like a BG and buy a couple of PvP items. They have resilience, which, although it cannot act as an alternative to the default rating, will still slightly reduce the likelihood of hitting you with a critical hit. But even after reaching the coveted 540 defense, you should not neglect this characteristic, because it continues to increase your dodge bonuses, parry and the enemy's chance to miss.

Next, you should take care of the hit rating, because. because if you miss the target, then you don’t gain threat, which means you won’t keep good damage from breaking aggro. On gear, a hit is quite rare, so I advise you not to miss a single opportunity to get such a thing into your paws.

Basically, your task will be to build up such characteristics as evasion, parry and endurance. Unfortunately, block and block value are only found on low-level items, so it can only be increased through defense rating. Based on the above, I recommend using sockets like this

Blue Socket: (+30 Stamina).

Yellow socket: (+10 defense +15 stamina).

Red Socket: Volatile Stratochlite (+10 Agility +15 Stamina).

Metasocket: Severe Earthsiege Diamond(32 stamina and 2% increase in armor from equipped equipment).

Of the enchants we use

Head: Arcane Mark of the Steadfast Defender(37 stamina 20 defense) for reputation with the Argent Crusade.

Shoulders: Greater Inscription of the Pinnacle(20 dodge 15 defense) or pvp Charku (30 to stamina 15 to res)

Cloak: Enchant Cloak - Titan Cloth(16 Defense) or (22k ​​Agility).

Bib: Enchant Chest - IX Health(275 health). if there is no protection cap, then charimk protection.

Bracers: Enchant Bracer - VI Stamina(40 stamina).

Gloves: Enchant Gloves - Weaponsmith(increased threat generated by 2% and 10 parry).

Pants: Snowhide Leg Armor(55 stamina 22 agility).

Shoes: Enchant Boots - Fortitude II(22 stamina).

Weapon: Enchant Weapon - Curb(gives a chance to increase parry rating by 200, after which each parried attack deals 600-800 damage. Stacks). or Mongoose


All professions give similar bonuses similar to two stones, but there are also especially useful ones:
Jewelcrafting: three stones to equip - Solid Eye of the Dragon (gives a total of 63 stamina (excluding talents and buffs))
Leatherworking: Fur Lining - Stamina (Gives 62 Stamina (excluding talents and buffs))
Blacksmithing: Nest in Bracers, Nest in Gloves (gives 60 stamina (excluding talents and buffs))
Mining: Fortress (gives 60 stamina (excluding talents and buffs))
Enchanting: Enchant Ring - Stamina III (Gives a total of 60 Stamina (excluding talents and buffs))
Alchemy: Mixology + Flask of Stoneblood (gives about 600 health)
Engineering: Reinforced Lattice Frame, Nerve Transmitter
Inscription: Master Pinnacle Inscription

Recommended for tanking: Jewelery and Leatherworking.
Note: The Blacksmithing+Jewelcrafting combo is universal for all specs.

9. Food and Elixirs
Infusion of stone blood - no options, the best bank.
The infusion of the all-color miracle is doubtful, but something is better than nothing.

Elixirs and potions (if the infusion is dear to you):
Everything is not as simple as with infusions, there are options:
Powerful Elixir of Fortitude - Good to pair with Guru's Elixir
Powerful Elixir of Protection + Powerful Elixir of Agility - will give an increase to evaidance and tps, insignificant.

Fish Feast is good, but Angelfish Fillet will be more effective.

Scroll of Endurance VIII - Definitely the best option
Other scrolls for agility will only slightly increase TPS.

10. Outfit:

Never chase the GS. The main thing is efficiency.
First collect the cap defa. Then try to look for things that will give the maximum increase in stamina. The perfect item has blue sockets and a socket stamina bonus (but alas, there are not many of them). Trinkets always try to look for stamina. For example, Blackheart is a great trine that you will not change very soon. Trini triumphantly boring.
Now more about the CLC.
First, you will need a set of things with ice resistance (the so-called frost gear):
Icebane Chestguard, Icebane Girdle, Icebane Boots, Iceguard Titanium Band.
Secondly, try to save Emblems of Frost for Corroded Bone Key or knock out Satrina's Stubborn Scarab (Alliance)/World Sovereign's Life Force (Horde) in SR25.
Thirdly, as I said, do not chase the GS. You will have the option to either buy a head and shoulders higher than the dgs, but going to bring in, or to collect a complete set of 4v9 (Turalyon's conquests / Liadrin's conquests). Try to collect 4t9, because. his bonus is very useful.

11. Addons
Omen - displays information about agricultural generation.
DedlyBossMods - a collection of timers for boss abilities, it helps a lot in raiding.
PallyPower - allows you to customize the distribution of buffs.

12. Macros

Throwing and removing the Divine shield (babble) (useful on bosses on which you need to drop stacks, and the 2nd tank cannot help you (for example, died))
/cast Divine Shield
/cancelaura Divine Shield

Casting Hand of Sacrifice by hovering the mouse over the target:
#showtooltip Hand of Sacrifice
/cast [@mouseover,harm]Hand of Sacrifice

Instead of the "Hand of Sacrifice" you can enter any of our hands - freedom, salvation, protection.

Macro for rotation 969
1) cd 6 sec /castsequence reset=6 Hammer of the Righteous, Shield of Righteousness
2) cd 9 sec /castsequence=9 Shield of Heaven, Judgment of Wisdom, Consecration

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Hi friends, today we will look at the pvp guide for Retri Pal 3.3.5, many people think that you don’t need to have a lot of convolutions to press 3 buttons, but I want to upset you, playing as a retric will be comparable to playing the piano. So let's go!

For the alliance, we take humans (people) for their trinki racial ability and skill with swords and hammers;

For the horde, no options, here we only have a blood elf, but also with a good ability - silence.

For a paladin in the Retribution tree, there are two build options:

The first option goes through the def, it will be standard for us (Here we have an improved stun, a shield and we must use a helmet, for the place of a fist):

The second option will be used to inflict maximum damage on opponents, since here we improve the fist, reduce the effect of fear on us, but the downside is that there is no shield and an improved camp:


Large characters:

Exorcism of Evil, Symbol of the Seal of Righteousness, Symbol of Justice.

Small characters:

Glyph of Kings' Blessing, Glyph of Undead Sense, and Glyph of Blessing of Might.

Caps and characteristics for Rpal

Here are the main caps characteristic for the Retri Pal:

Accuracy - we need to score 165 units, I do not advise taking it lower;

We need to get Crete around 40%;

RPB (armor penetration) - we will not need it;

Resilience we need to get to approximately 950 units;

Ap (attack power) - from 6000 to 6500+, but this will be with a full body kit.


For us, the most basic characteristic will be strength, so we take stones +20 to strength. Also in the yellow slots we will take +10 to strength + 10 to raciales, because we will use PVE gear.

We also stick a special gem into the paladin for +10 to all characteristics and +10 to strength and +15 to endurance in order to activate the meta socket. We put it in a color bonus to get more characteristics.

Set the meta socket to 21 crit and 3% critical damage.


Hands - put the cup on 44 to the attack power;

Head - 50 attack power, 20 res;

Shoulders - 40 attack power, 15 res;

Cloak - 22 to agility;

Chest - 20 to resilience (or +10 to all characteristics if there is no normal pve kit);

Wrists - 50 attack power;

Belt - buckle for an additional socket;

Legs - 40 resilience and 28 stamina, or 75 attack power and 20 crit;

Feet - 32 attack power;

Shield - 12 to resilience;

One-handed - we must have several one-handers, one for defense (put "Blood Drain" on it), the second for healing (+63 to spd);

Two-handed - here we put "Berserk" (fighting frenzy).

The most profitable professions are the blacksmith and the jeweler, as these are 2 additional sockets and 3 reinforced stones.

Macros for Retri Pala

We give freedom to a partner:

/cast Hand of Freedom

We give sacra to our partner:

/cast Hand of Sacrifice

We give a flash drive to our partner:

/cast Flash of Light(Level 9)

Dispel of our partner:

/cast Cleansing

We throw BOP to our partner

/cast Hand of Protection(Rank 3)

We give a sacred shield to our partner:

/cast Holy Shield(Rank 1)

Def (we put on a one-handed weapon and a shield):

/equip My one-handed
/equip My shield

We give the camp in focus:

/cast Hammer of Justice(Rank 4)

We throw Sap in focus:

/cast Repentance

The best paladin setups

Here we will analyze the top setups for the retreat.

2x2 with heals

Rpal + DC - good control, double dispel, purge and powerful damage.

Rpal + Rsham - good control, totems, purge.

2x2 with dd

Rpal + Horns - good control, powerful damage.

Rpal + Frost Mage - good control from the mage, healed, but mainly damages retric here.

Rpal + Pvar - a very powerful combination, gives a reflex, a wild burst, a lot of stuns.

Rpal + Avar - wild burst, minus healing from var and a little control (sap, fir and stun).

Rpal + MMHant - wild burst, excellent control, healed from fell.


Rpal + MMHant + DC - double-dispel, control and powerful damage.

Rpal + Arms + Khpal - doubledispel, good control, powerful damage.

Rpal + Pvar + DC - doubledispel, many stuns, and good control, as well as wild damage (you will one-shot).

In general, you can find a bunch of playable setups at the retric, here we have named the most popular ones, but you can experiment.

The subtleties of playing in the arena for the paladin Retribution

You should instantly dispel your teammates and remove control from them;

Try to lose any control over you;

Swap weapons to heal better and faster, or just defend from the enemy (for example, a warrior);

Don't forget the Heaven's Wrath ability, as you can stun DK's pets, and even control the wildcat itself when he is lichborn;

Don't forget to turn on "Sense for the Undead" as we put a glyph on it and it's +1% damage to the undead;

Don't use "Holy Oath" if you're playing against a mage, as he can steal it;

Switch your manuscripts (from dd to heal and vice versa);

Yuzaite sang "Hand of Vengeance" so that you can quickly enter the battle;

Try to catch control with sacra (Sap from horn, sheep from magicians, sucuba from locks).

What is the best way to dress the starter retreat fell on 3.3.5

Or you can find any other addons for wow 3.3.5 -

I think that we have sorted out all the points on the retreat paul, if you have any questions, then ask them in the comments. Good luck playing as a retric!

Holy Fall PVP Guide 3.3.5 – Build, Equip and Arena

Greetings friends! On the calendar on January 26, 2018, 8 o’clock in the morning, and the inspiration that I had been missing for so long finally descended on me ...

Let me remind you, for those who are regular visitors to our portal, that the last publication was dated by me back in that year.

Okay, let's finish with lyrical digressions and get to the point.

Stock up on hot coffee with cookies, sit back, we're starting!

Guide Retri Pal 3.3.5 pvp, like all the guides I wrote, will be divided into separate paragraphs for ease of reading. So, if you are interested in something specific, then feel free to click on this item and you will be teleported to your destination as if it were a magician's portal.

Race selection for Retri Paladin 3.3.5 pvp


The Alliance faction has a rather extensive choice of race for Retri Pal 3.3.5 pvp. This is a Human, and a Dwarf, and even a Draenei.

I talked about all the races in detail in the guide. So, if you are interested, follow the link and read the pros and cons for pvp of each of the possible races. I will only say that in my opinion, the best race for Retri Paladin 3.3.5 pvp will be - Human


Everything is simple here, you were left with no choice, so we take what we have. And we have -

Elf of blood

And so, we have decided on the choice of race for Retri Paladin 3.3.5 pvp, now let's move on to the next item - build.

Build for Retri Paladin 3.3.5 pvp

In principle, as such, the only true and correct build for all occasions does not exist. There is only a set of required talents, with varying variations in the spread of the remaining talent points.

And so, the first version of the build is suitable for burst, for bg, for the arena and for duels.

As you can see in the picture, we are sacrificing 10 seconds of the stun by taking only one talent point - Improved Hammer of Justice. But we take two talent points - Improved Blessing of Might, which in turn give us 687 attack power while maintaining the Blessing of Might buff or, as it is also called “fist” in the common people, instead of 550 without spending two talent points. We conclude that for two talent points we get 137 units of attack power. But I repeat, with enemy dispels, the fist must be constantly updated! Or 2 points will simply be thrown away in vain.

This build, which was above, is not suitable for playing with a healer! This is perhaps its only drawback. This build also has this variation

Where one point of talent in the defense branch we invest is not in the fortress, which gave us an increase in armor by 2 percent and a reduction in slowing effects by 6 percent, but in divinity, which increases the effectiveness of spells of the healing category and the effect of third-party healing by 1 percent.

Here you choose for yourself who is missing something.

For a game with a healer, I would suggest that you consider this build option

In principle, there are no significant changes here, we simply reduce the time until the recovery of the camp by 10 seconds and, accordingly, lose in the buff from the fist. Therefore, this one talent point that we invest in an improved fist can not be invested there at all. And to invest, for example, in an excuse, in an ability that reduces the attack power of the enemy, but again, a magician with a priest can also be an enemy. So, see for yourself, it won't really affect the build.

It was also possible to consider other options, where, for example, talent points are not invested in an improved sacred shield, but then the shield itself loses its meaning. And plus, updating it every 30 seconds is not very convenient. I would recommend not doing this.

In principle, everything is according to the build, let's move on to the next item - symbols for the retri paladin 3.3.5 pvp

Symbols for Retri paladin 3.3.5 pvp

Here is my version of characters for Retri Pal 3.3.5 pvp

Let's take it in order.

Glyph of Justice - This symbol increases the damage of your Judgment spell by 10%. That is, one of our main offensive abilities will deal 10 percent more damage! Of course, this is a required character. Moreover, the recovery time of "justice" or simply "jagi" is only 7 seconds.

Glyph of the Seal of Righteousness - in general, the Seal of Righteousness, is the main one for the Retri Paladin. Yes, there are times when it is better to apply a seal of light or a seal of corruption, maybe even a seal of wisdom, but the fact remains that the main seal will be the seal of righteousness, which means that a symbol that increases the damage from this ability by 10 percent will also be mandatory.

A symbol of the expulsion of evil - well, everything is simple here, the pets of the death knights, and they themselves, under the ability of rebirth, will be expelled by you instantly. Agree to cast one and a half seconds under the damage of the gargoyle is not very convenient. But, this symbol is not mandatory, for example, when playing 2 dp, with the ability to heal, you can replace this symbol with a rescue symbol, which will reduce damage taken by 20 percent for 10 seconds. But then again, why I would recommend taking exactly the symbol of exile, the Warlock's pets, in particular, the same succubus, will not let you cast exile. And during the time of control of the succubus, without the ability to bring it down, you can lose the battle.

Small symbols.

There is not much to tell here, basically they are taken in order to update the helmet and manareg on your partners with a 50 percent savings in mana. Glyph of Undead Sense increases damage against undead by 1%. When the ability is on - a flair for the undead. But more on that later.

Let's move on to the next item - the characteristics of the retri paladin 3.3.5 pvp

Characteristics of Rpala 3.3.5 pvp

The main characteristic that we gain in the first place is the accuracy rating - we need at least 165 units or 5 percent of it. But 200, or 6 percent, would be more ideal. At what all these 6 percent are collected with a beaded suit. Not any stones and charms for accuracy.

The next characteristic, which also has a cap - critical hit rating - we need 40 percent of it. (fig. above)

The attack power with a full business gear will be approximately 6500 (with a fist buff). And the strength is 2200+

That's basically all we need to know about the characteristics of Rpal 3.3.5 pvp.

BIS list for Rpala 3.3.5 pvp

We take the head, chest, arms, shoulders and legs from the eighth season of the arena.

Neck - Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Triumph

Cloak - Fluttering Shroud (ger)

Bracers - Bracers from the claws of the northern bear (ger)

Girdle - Wrathful Gladiator's Girdle of Triumph

Feet - The Apocalypse Is Coming (ger)

Band - Wrathful Gladiator's Band of Triumph

Second Ring - Ashen Ring of Infinite Might

Accessory - Death Sentence (ger)

Accessory 2 - Whispering Fang Skull (ger)

Weapon - Darkmourne

Libram - Wrathful Gladiator's Libram of Justice and Libram of Three Truths

Charki for Rpala 3.3.5 pvp

Shoulders - 40 attack power and 15 resilience

Cloak - 22 Agility

Bracers - 50 Attack Power

Two-Handed Weapon - Battle Frenzy

Gloves - 44 Attack Power

Belt - socket

Legs - 40 Resilience and 28 Stamina

Feet - 32 Attack Power

Professions for Rpala 3.3.5 pvp

The most profitable option would be to download

  • jewelry
  • blacksmith craft

Jewelcrafting will allow us to insert 3 gems of 34 resilience rating or 3 gems of 34 strength. Well, or combine.

Blacksmithing will allow you to insert two additional sockets, which in turn will allow you to insert 2 stones to strength.

Stones for Rpala 3.3.5 pvp

Insert into a special socket - 21 to dexterity and 3 percent to critical damage

in red - 20 to strength

in the rest we put on finishing caps, which we need to collect in the item of the Rpal 3.3.5 pvp characteristics

Macros for Rpala 3.3.5 pvp

Hand of freedom partner:
/cast Hand of Freedom

The hand of sacrifice to a partner or, as in the common people, Sakru:
/cast Hand of Sacrifice

Flash of light on a partner:
/cast Flash of Light(Level 9)

Companion dispel:
/cast Cleansing

Bop partner:
/cast Hand of Protection(Rank 3)

Teammate Shield:
/cast Holy Shield(Rank 1)

Def (one-handed with a shield):
/equip your one-handed weapon
/equip your shield

Focus stance:
/cast Hammer of Justice(Rank 4)

Focus sap:
/cast Repentance

Hand of Salvation on Self if you have the glyph (because even with the glyph, it doesn't work on anyone but you):
/cast Hand of Salvation

Well, a macro that no paladin can do without:
/curl Avenging Wrath
/cl. justice justice

Addons for Rpala 3.3.5 pvp

– a good addon for keeping track of enemy cooldowns.

- this is one of the most powerful addons aimed at displaying your cast bars.

- the triggering of your abilities at the moment of pressing and not at the moment of releasing the key.

- tracks and displays the cooldown of your abilities.

Rpala game 3.3.5 pvp arena

  1. Rpal's regularly used offensive abilities are at least 6 and not three, as most people thought)))
  2. The dispel button should be "convulsively poke" at any moment of the battle with the enemy))) PERMANENTLY!!! Even if you duel with a var (just kidding)))
  3. You have to dispel not only yourself but also your partner, see the macro section to make it easier for yourself.
  4. Lose control or, simply speaking, for those who do not understand what I mean, run behind any objects that do not give the enemy the opportunity to apply control spells to you, such as the warlock's fear, the magician's sheep and others ...
  5. If you get hit, feel free to swap two-handed weapons for one handle + shield.
  6. Not when, remember, NOT WHEN put a fire protection aura against destro locks, because their curse will negate the use of your aura and you will look like a hard cancer in their eyes. Of course, if your partner does not know how to dispel this curse.
  7. Heaven's Wrath is the ability that more than half of the Rpals do not use, but in vain. It can not only trap the pets of the death knights, but also the death knight himself under the ability of rebirth.
  8. The enabled ability "Sense for the Undead" will increase your damage against the undead by 1 percent at the cost of a small symbol!
  9. If your opponent is a mage, then the ability to replenish your mana "holy oath" can only be used if there is no way for the mage to steal it on yourself!
  10. If you do not use the save symbol, then when the enemy dispels you, use this ability, since the enemy will have to dispel you longer and, accordingly, spend more mana and time on it.
  11. If you see that the magician is casting a sheep at you, try to have time to throw a sacra on your partner (an ability that redirects part of the damage received by your partner to you), the redirected damage will take you out of control instantly.
  12. Do not waste a trynka removing control if it is not necessary!
  13. Against mages, forget about using a helmet and, if possible, manareg, buff preferably with a fist!
  14. Don't forget to change manuscripts, just like weapons. If they beat you, put the manuscript on heal, if you beat you, put the manuscript on strength.
  15. Don't forget about your Hand of Vengeance ability. Of course, she does not cause damage, but for that, with her help, you can easily enter the battle without catching control. It can also help to bring down the redirect totem. Unfortunately, the latter does not work everywhere.
  16. After you have used the bubble. I hope correctly, remember that after 2 minutes you will be able to use either a bop on yourself or an ability that reduces damage taken by 50 percent.
  17. Against Frost Mages, don't use Hand of Freedom until he uses Deep Freeze.
  18. You are probably enraged by opponents using absorbing shields. Like priests and mages. Well, duck, due to the fact that we have the Holy Wrath talent, under the wings, 50 percent of the damage will ignore all damage-absorbing abilities. Hence the conclusion, so that the priests of the magicians do not have time to dispel you in full, give the stun and poke the wings!


As always, I tried to tell you as simply and accessible as possible about what Rpal is like in version 3.3.5 pvp.

Let me know in the comments if I forgot something.

Retaliation Paladin, or simply Retri Paladin, can provide consistent and more consistent damage. In PvE, Retri Paladin is a pretty competitive DPS character, and besides that, Retri Paladin has excellent raid buffs. It is both a generic class and yet quite easy to handle. Many good Retri Paladins are even able to replace tanks at the right time, since this is also a fairly tenacious class capable of self-healing. And so, we begin our guide to Retrik 3.3.5 PvE.

Best raid addons for Retri Paladin

Deadly Boss Mods
Power Auras Classic

Characteristics and Caps Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE

Accuracy - cap will be equal to eight percent, or 262 units to the rating. Accuracy is good because each hit will reach the target, which will naturally affect the DPS.

Strength - essentially has no cap, we gain to the maximum. For a Retri Paladin, Strength is a fundamental stat. According to mechanics 3.3.5 - 1 unit of strength will be equal to 2 units of attack power. if you have properly pumped the beat, this is 2.54 units to the attack power.

Mastery - affects how the target will parry your blows. By attacking the boss from the front, you will not be able to cancel the parry. However, if attacking from behind you need to reach 214 Mastery Rating for your Retri Paladin to reach the limit in PvE.

Critical hit- in 3.3.5 PvE Retri Paladin, namely his DPS is very dependent on crit. At the same time, you should not specifically throw sockets on crit, for example, you need strength first of all. Achieve 45.9 crit rating for 1 percent crit chance. Therefore, instead of agility, it is better to pump in more crit.

Agility - according to the mechanics, in order to get 1 percent of crit from dexterity, you need to collect 52.8 units, so crit seems to be the most important.

Speed ​​Rating- allows you to improve all white damage, and also reduce the time to cast some spells. If you are wearing BIS - gear, then the speed should be at the level of 600 units. Separate sockets and zacharki should not be done for speed. It will be enough for Retri Pala in 3.3.5 from gear.

Build for Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE

The 11/5/55 talent layout is quite widely used and, I can tell you, it fully justifies itself. Many people say that the Retri Paladin is exclusively one-button - but this is not so. It is necessary not only to be able to use the basic DPS abilities, but also to have an idea of ​​​​the competent use of the Aura Master. This build is just perfection, as Retri Paladin will feel quite free in the most difficult minutes for the raid and continue to pour great damage on the target.

Aura Master is one of the best abilities in PvE, not only for the Retri Paladin, but for the entire raid. Unfortunately, for this it is necessary to write another article, since you can’t describe everything in a nutshell.

Retri Paladin Rotation 3.3.5 PvE

Retreat Paladin in PvE does not have a specific rotation. At the same time, there is a system of priorities. Basically, it all comes down to the fact that in the rotation no one waits for the cooldown on one of the DPS abilities to end. It is necessary to beat with the spell that is currently ready. When there is no AC on most spells, the priority scheme will be as follows:

We press the Hammer of Wrath, then Justice, click Light Warrior Strike and immediately Divine Storm, then Sanctify, cast Exorcism and finish with Heaven's Wrath.

The presence of T10 gear will slightly change the priority system in the rotation:

We start with Justice, then Light Warrior Strike and Divine Storm, press Hammer of Wrath , throw Sanctify , cast Exorcism and finish with Heaven's Wrath.

Taking into account the different sets of gear that give their bonuses for the Retri Pala PvE, the priority scheme itself will also change. There are several options that are more acceptable with a new set of clothes:

The entire rotation system of the Retri Paladin comes down to the FCFS World of Warcraft system. When deciphering and translating, it sounds like this: “Which of the skills rolled back first, then use it.” This system of Retri Paladin PvE mechanics was designed around a cooldown system where Retri Pal cannot follow specific combinations, but only a priority system. In 3.3.5, the FCSF system is the correct course of action. The OmniCC addon can help you.

Perfecting DPS Retri Paladin

For DD Paladin, the main seal will be the Seal of Corruption in PvE. It is mainly used on trash and more serious bosses. Seal of Obedience more suitable for LFG and on bosses Faction Champions.

Retri Paladin has two main justices for PvE: Justice of the Light- which will restore you 2 percent of HP during attacks and Judgment of Wisdom- which restores 2 percent of mana when attacking. If there is also Holy Paladin PvE in the raid, then it is worth agreeing on what kind of justice everyone will use constantly.

Macros for Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE

Macro for Righteous Fury

Perfect for moments when the Retri Paladin lacks an outgoing threat. And she is needed when Retrik has to kite running out monsters during the fight with the boss.

#showtooltip Righteous Fury
/cancelaura Righteous Fury
/cast Righteous Fury

Operates with the press of a single button that will turn your Righteous Fury on and off.

Macros on the Hand

Since the Paladin uses his hands quite often, it is prudent to make macros on them so that the use is much easier.

#showtooltip Hand of Sacrifice
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Sacrifice

#showtooltip Hand of Salvation
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Salvation

#showtooltip Hand of Protection
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Protection

#showtooltip Hand of Freedom
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Freedom

The hand will be applied to the target as soon as you hover over it. In order for spells to be cast without any delay, the /stopcasting line has been added. Usually the delay occurs during the casting of any other spell.

Macro on “Laying on of hands”

#showtooltip Laying on of hands
/cast [@mouseover] Lay on hands

The Paladin's Lay on Hands spell will be cast on any of the allies that gets under your mouse cursor.

Macro on "Bubble"

Sometimes it is necessary to instantly apply the bubble, but there are times when this cannot be done, because some other action is in the process.

#showtooltip Divine Shield
/cast Divine Shield

So. The macro interrupts this action and immediately puts a bubble on you. Bubble is one of the save's main abilities, so its use must be clearly debugged.

Macro on “Cleansing”

Quite often, you have to dispel various poisons, diseases, and other disgusting things both from yourself and from other raid players. The macro will help you with this.

#showtooltip Cleansing
/cast [@mouseover] Cleanse

Dispell will occur when you hover over a raider or partner.

Symbols for Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE

Retri Paladin is probably the only character that has a standardized character set that has been tested not only by time, but also by experience. Some characters will also be of higher priority if some of your characteristics are lame.

Symbol of Justice- required character;
Glyph of Exorcism- standard symbol;
Symbol of consecration- standard symbol;
Glyph of Seal of Vengeance- with a lack of skill;
Glyph of the Crusader Strike- if necessary to save mana;

Surprisingly, the small glyphs are also pretty well chosen and there is a lot to choose from for the Retri Paladin that you can't say about other classes.

Glyph of Sense for the Undead- damage to undead + 1 percent;
Laying on of hands symbol- CD decays 5 minutes faster;

The last small symbol is up to you. You can bet on reducing mana consumption, or you can bet on extending your buffs. What is your priority, then put it. Usually beginner Retri paladins constantly lack mana in raids.

Sockets for Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE

It’s also not difficult for DD Paladin in sockets to decide, since there isn’t much to choose from. It is thanks to the Jewelcrafting that Retrik has the opportunity to throw himself a few unique stones.

In a Meta socket, you can insertBrutal Earthsiege Diamond, it will give you a nice boost to your crit rating.
Tear of Nightmaresis placed in the socket for the blue socket. Usually, many gamers insert it into the chest. It is only needed to activate the meta socket.
We put in a red nestCrimson Embossed Ruby, you can insertEmbossed dragon eye, if you've upgraded Jewelcrafting.
Insert into the yellow socketInscribed Ametrine, but there are two conditions here:
if, by inserting this stone, you activate a socket bonus on clothing.
if the socket bonus will increase your strength by at least 5 units.
If you happen to suddenly lack accuracy, you can put the following stones to your taste: “Strong Royal Amber” orengraved ametrine.

Keep an eye on your gear at all times. After all, he will often change and perhaps there will be an undercap on accuracy. In this case, you will need to fill the balance with the help of stones.

Incant for Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE

We charm on the head -Magic sign of effort- When you have reached Exalted with the Knights of the Black Blade, you can buy the enchantment from the Quartermaster.
Let's enchant our shoulders on -Greater Inscription of the Ax- can be bought from the Quartermaster upon reaching reputationExaltedthe sons of Hodir.
On a bib enchant, of course -Enchant Chest - All Stats + VII.
Cloak You can enchant for two charms to choose from:Enchant Cloak - Greater AgilityorEnchant Cloak - Greater Speed.
Gloves You can also enchant with two charms of your choice:Enchant Gloves - Accuracyif you're missing a bit of hit cap, orEnchant Gloves - Crusher. If everything is in order with accuracy, then we choose the second one.
Superimposed on the belt -
Eternal Belt Buckle, which can be crafted by blacksmiths.
We put on the pants -
Frostscale Leg Armor.
Let's enchant boots on
Enchant Boots - Assault. If you have not gained the required amount of accuracy, then charim onEnchant Boots - Icewalker.
We put on the weapon
Enchant Weapon - Berserker.

Pros for Retri Pala 3.3.5 PvE

Basically, each Retri Paladin has several professions that are best suited for this class:

Jewelcrafting - the ability to set unique stones.
Mining - games for jewelry and earning gold.

When you have enough gold and have accumulated a large number of ingredients in the bank, you can cancel the mining and pump in Blacksmithing. This will give you three additional socket slots.

Food and drink for Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE

For food raids, the best option would be Dragonfin Angel Fish Fillet. Drink every hour Tincture of Endless Rage and when using wings, be sure to add the potion of speed.
You can take one of the additional professions Cooking, as a result of pumping, you will get yourself a lot of dishes that will help you raise your desired characteristics quite well.

In the end, what I want to say: “The Retri Paladin in PvE is simply irreplaceable. The ability to survive, good DPS, help to the raid - make Rethrik a really smart character.” It is not for nothing that the Retri Paladin is loved by many players, since in PvE he is simply an irreplaceable character.

This guide is taken from open sources on the Internet, for informational purposes only.

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